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CartBoss – new features, new Countries, and an amazing upcoming feature

We have been working hard to make the requests of our users a reality, and now we are excited to announce that in the past week, we added new features that were highly requested!

To sum up, we added new countries where we offer sending text messages, upgraded the CartBoss dashboard, and started working on a new feature that gives you up to 30% better results. Regarding this new feature, we know that the results are amazing, as we tested it previously on a few existing CartBoss users before deciding to start developing it for everybody on our platform.

CartBoss dashboard

One of our most requested features was to have the possibility to see the results of ROI, CTR, and sales numbers… for more than just one week. So we upgraded the dashboard so that you can now see the results based on a 3-day span, a week, and a month. And we will also make it possible to see the results even further back!

We have also made the main dashboard a lot cleaner, showing only the essential results that most of our users check – based on the many interviews we did with them. There are not so much information displayed on the main dashboard anymore, and the results/statistics have been moved to subpages.

This way, the dashboard loads a lot faster, making the experience more pleasant!

New Countries

We have expanded our support for sending text messages in new countries as more and more new subscribers have been expressing the need for them. We are proud to announce that we now support these new countries:

  • Albania
  • Australia
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Egypt
  • Kosovo
  • Macedonia
  • Montenegro
  • Moldova
  • New Zealand
  • South Africa
  • Turkey
  • UAE

Not only that but the text messages that we already have prepared and translated have been upgraded to have the translations ready for these new countries!

To make this announcement even more interesting, we are in the process of opening even more new countries front the middle east and Africa. Stay tuned for more information about new countries! Hope that we will support more than 70% of the world by the end of the year.

Upcoming feature – Emojis

Till now, showing emojis in the text messages was not possible, unfortunately. But now, we upgraded the CartBoss custom text messages editor and upgraded our text messages sending gateway to make emojis possible.

Some of our users have already been writing custom text messages with really basic emojis like “:),” but now the support for them is 100% realized. This means that when sending one, it will be displayed in the message usually. Not only that, but you now have the option to add them within the dashboard and see it visually.

This feature is not only beneficial for our default abandoned cart text messages but also for any other kind of messages that we support. And, when we will have the option to send mass text messages (yes, we are working on that too), this will come highly in handy.

Upcoming feature – Brands

We saved the best for last! We are excited to share this news with you as we have been testing the benefits of this feature with some existing users and the results were amazing. It gave them a boost of 30% overall, making CartBoss even better for your online stores!

So what is it? Brands represent a new feature in CartBoss, where you get the option to completely customize the text messages you send.

Setting up your custom brand gives you the option to:

  • Set your Custom Sender ID
  • Custom links in the messages
  • Activate a custom website preloader

What does all this mean?

A Custom Sender ID is the name shown when the recipient receives the message. It is the name shown from who the message was sent. So far, this was demonstrated as CartBoss. From now on, you will have the option to set your own.

Most countries are included free in the Brands package, there are only a few that have extra yearly costs, but they are there as an option to add to your package.

We do need to confirm each Sender ID, so the process of activating one does take a few days, but this is something we can not do anything about – it is an anti-phishing process.

The links in the text messages are also changed once you have the Brands package activated on your account. This means that all the links are replaced with your custom domain links instead of links. And do not worry, these links are shortened as well; they just are not CartBoss links anymore. This even includes the unsubscribe link.

The last thing Brands offers a website preloader. When a recipient of the message clicks on the link, he is redirected to the website/checkout, where he either abandoned his cart or got a Post-Purchase/Win-Back offer. While waiting for your site to load, they looked at a blank/white screen.

Now you have the option to show him a preloader while he waits for your site to load. The preloader can include your logo, his message, and a notification about the amount of discount he has received.

This feature makes your customers retain on the site and wait for it to load if you have a slow loading time or a high amount of traffic.

The Brands feature grows your results up to 30%, and we are proud to make this feature a reality for you! We hope that due to CartBoss, the so far known statistics of using text messages in E-commerce will need to be updated with even better results.

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