First time hearing the term Win-back text message? Then you are reading the right article! We will describe in-depth what these types of messages are, when to send them and how to implement them in your marketing campaigns.
But first, just a quick explanation of what Win-Back text messages are:
As the name suggests, these types of messages are sent to your existing customers, who have already bought something on your site. They are meant to send them a special offer weeks after they have successfully bought something from you. This way, you remind them of your brand – growing your brand recognition, and growing sales at the same time – by offering a small discount on anything they buy from your site.
For example, a Win-Back text message would be a message John receives 2 weeks after he bought a basketball on a sports website. The message content would be something like this:
Hey John, thanks for shopping on our site! Hope you are satisfied with the product you bought. Click on the link and you will receive 20% off on anything you buy from our store! Website_link
It is a good practice to have these messages sent recurring every once in a while, depending on the type of store and products you have. We will take a closer look at the details of Win-Back text messages in the following chapters of this article. In addition, CartBoss supports also Post-Purchase text messages, which are actually the same as Win-Back messages, just used differently (in a different time span).
If you want to read more about Post-Purchase text messages, check our article Post-Purchase text messages.
Why send Win-Back text messages?
A simple answer to this is, that you grow sales on autopilot with the best converting marketing channel out there. Nothing needs to be done as CartBoss has everything already prepared for you – the only thing you need to do is activate them in your CartBoss dashboard and you are ready to send special offers to your existing customers.
The second reason is that occasionally, but on autopilot, sending special offers to your customers grows your brand recognition. Your customers will not only buy from your when they see your ads or get notified about a new special offer – they will keep your site and your brand in mind. When they will need something that they can find in your store, they will immediately think of your brand. Not only that, but they will also recommend your site/products to their friends. That is the power of a strong brand name, and that is something that Win-Back text messages can help you achieve.
So, to answer the question: You should send Win-Back text messages in order to grow your sales and brand recognition on autopilot!
When to send Win-Back text messages?
The first Win-Back text message is usually sent a week after the first time a customer has bought something from your store. Sometimes you want to send it faster, depending on how well your brand is known and what amount of discount you can offer, and sometimes, you want to send it later – 2 or even 3 weeks later.
But the sweet spot is 1-2 weeks after the first purchase on your site. Just like with abandoned cart text messages, in order to optimize your chances of growing sales, you send more than just one message. The difference is that you usually just send 2-3 abandoned cart text messages and that is it. Sending 4 to 6 different Win-Back text messages in various time delays is quite typical. Every message is sent in a one to two-week time deference so that you constantly have a bit of interaction with your customers. People love receiving special offers so do not worry about being too spammy!
There is one additional idea we want to share with you, regarding time delays: If you sell products that you know how fast they are usually used up – for example, fitness supplements – then you can send a Win-Back text message, asking if they would like to reorder what they bought on your website.
What to offer with Win-Back text messages?
With Win-Back text messages you usually always send a special offer. Although they can be used only to send a specific reminder or notification to them, for example, if they are running low on your product that they can always reorder, that is usually not the case.
Offering a discount on anything they buy in your store is one of the most popular ways of using Win-Back messages. The example we gave at the beginning is a typical message that is used for this specific type of massage. Another great example would be to offer the recipients free delivery no matter the order value. As long as you offer something special to them, these types of messages will bring you great results.
Amazing additional ideas for Win-Back text messages
Want to be even more personalized with your Win-Back text messages? Offer an even better, more special experience to your customers? These are 2 simple ideas you can implement quite fast and it will definitely make your customers remember you even more!
Idea #1:
Send them a link in the message to a subpage on your store from where they can choose any product they wish. Only this product will have a special discount that you offered in the message
Idea #2:
Send a Win-Back text message containing a customized link, that when clicking on it, recipients will be redirected to the checkout with a special product with an incredible discount that will already be in their cart. If you feel extra generous you can even add a gift for free.
Both of these ideas are memorable things and we guarantee you that everybody who will receive your Win-Back text messages will keep you in mind for quite some time. But these two last ideas do need you to have a bit of knowledge and experience working with your Ecommerce site. Or just ask your developer to get the link or the custom coupon code ready for you.