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Post-Purchase text messages

Special offers after purchases have been completed are a great way to grow the average order value and sell more products. Once somebody buys from your site, they have a more considerable trust towards your site so this is the best time to offer them

Customer Win-Back text messages

First time hearing the term Win-back text message? Then you are reading the right article! We will describe in-depth what these types of messages are, when to send them and how to implement them in your marketing campaigns. But first, just a quick explanation of

CartBoss – Prepared and translated text messages

At CartBoss we focus on using text messages as your marketing channel. The statistics about text messages and using them in marketing campaigns are amazing. Compared to using emails, where the open rate is below 20%, text messages offer a distinct advantage over any other

WooCommerce text messaging service

WooCommerce is one of the leading E-commerce platforms today. Almost 30% of online shops use it for selling their products and offering their services. It offers a vast amount of extensions and great support from the community.  The goal of any online store is to

Abandoned cart text messages

Recovering abandoned carts is one of the biggest challenges in eCommerce. Getting your customers to the checkout can be a daunting task - you spend money convincing them the product is a perfect fit for them and they decide to add it to the cart.

Best text messaging service for WooCommerce

Text messages have been growing in popularity with online shops. They are being used in order to optimize marketing and grow brand awareness. But there can be many barriers in the way before your online shops start using them. Not with CartBoss. CartBoss is a

Optimize your marketing with text messages

Always have there been fast and simple ways in optimizing your ad spend - either by testing different ads and optimizing them or by finding alternative ways of growing your average cart value.  There have been various attempts to push your potential customers to complete

10 reasons why you should include text messages in your marketing

Text messages are one of the best-performing marketing channels out there. Either for recovering abandoned carts, offering after-purchase upsells, or just for sending text messages to all existing customers and notifying them about your special offers.  Why are text messages so useful in marketing and
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