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Best WooCommerce checkout plugins

As an e-commerce store owner, optimizing your WooCommerce checkout page is crucial to drive more conversions and increase your average order value. A well-designed and streamlined checkout process can significantly reduce cart abandonment rates and provide a better user experience for your customers. Fortunately, there

What kind of online shops benefit from text messages

Can all eCommerce businesses take advantage of text messages in their marketing campaigns? What stores are the most appropriate ones to benefit from text messages? In one of the previous articles, we discussed alternative ways of using text messages for their business. That article was

7 steps to set up CartBoss for optimal results

CartBoss offers different kinds of text messages and features that can be used so that you can optimize your marketing costs with the help of text messages. We often get asked what settings and messages we recommend to be active in order to get the

10 simple ways to optimize your marketing spend

Any marketing campaign aims to get the best return on investment. In the end, the marketing costs are and will be there, but getting the best results possible, using some simple methods can greatly improve your marketing results and thus your ROI. Optimizing your open

Alternative ways of using CartBoss

CartBoss can be used in many ways, even though we currently offer only abandoned cart recovery and post-purchase text messages. With a little imagination, your creativity is the only limitation stopping you from integrating text messages in your marketing campaigns due to the time delay

Using text messages on more specific online stores

We have talked about alternative ways of using CartBoss for sending text messages. Still, in this article, we will focus on online shops that perhaps do not immediately see the benefits of using text messages as their marketing channel. Some of those may include shops

7 amazing Post-Purchase text messages ideas

Thinking about what to offer your customers with Post-Purchase text messages with CartBoss? Well, we prepared a few simple-to-implement ideas so that you can start optimizing your marketing spend today! Some ideas might require additional customizations on your website but are minor tasks, so don't

7 amazing Win-Back text messages ideas

Thinking about what to offer your customers with Win-Back text messages with CartBoss? We prepared a few simple-to-implement ideas so that you can start growing your brand. Not sure what Win-Back text messages are? Check our article on Win-Back text messages if you want to
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